
 Report Parameter Selection
Start Date/Time    (eg. 2013-Jan-07 18:00)  
End Date/Time    (eg. 2013-Jan-07 21:00)  
Employee ID    
Card Number    
Supervisor ID    
Order by   
Testing Type   (*= All Type)
Result Selection    ( *=All Type P=Pass  H=FailHigh  L=FailLow B=ByPass F=Fail N=NoTest)
Display Result     
Attendance Matching   Only Applies to System with Attendance
Display Format  
Output Report To  















Explaination of Report:

1.1 Pass Result
= All testing must fulfill the Pass Condition, the Resistance reading must be within the Upper Limit and Lower Limit range. A Bypass is also considered as a Pass. Therefore a Result with WS=B, LF=P and RF=P is considered as a Pass Result
1.2 Fail Result =
Any of the testing that yields a fail, which is not a ByPass or the reading is above the Upper Limit or the reading is below the Lower Limit will yield a Fail. Therefore a Result with WS=B, LF=FL and RF=P is considered as a Fail Result

2.1 Last Result = the latest or last result within a specified time range will be the overall result for the time range
eg. If a person test 3 times, and the last result is a Fail Result, the overall result for the time range is a Fail

2.2 Any Pass = Any Pass Result (refer to explaination 1.1 above) within the time range specified in the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time will yield or be considered as Pass for the time range
eg. If a person test 3 times with the following result: Pass, Fail, Fail. The overall result for the time range is considered as a Pass

2.3 Any Fail = Any Fail Result (refer to explaination 1.2 above) within the time range specified in the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time will yield or be considered as a Fail for the time range
eg. If a person test 5 times with the following result: Pass, Pass, Fail, Pass, Pass. The overall result for the time range is considred as a Fai

Additional example.
If a person test 5 times with the following result: Pass, Fail, Fail, Pass, Fail.
The overall result if the Display Result option selected is Last Result, will be Fail. This is because the last result for the time range is a Fail Result.
The overall result if the Display Result option selected is Any Pass, will be Pass. This is because out of 5 times, there is at least one Pass Result.
The overall result if the Display Result option selected is Any Faill, will be Fail. This is becasue out of 5 times, there is at least one Fail Result.